Softening a Small Rectangular Garden

Repeating spherical themes and adding contrasting foliage shapes, plus long-lasting colour.

Sunny border, straight on.

Shady side with pruned Photinias.

Both borders before planting.

Shadier side towards deck.

Sunny side towards house.

This pleasant garden in Balham already had four semi-formal Photinias planted up in raised sleeper borders on each side.

I added Pittosporum Tom Thumb and Osmanthus heterophyllus for low maintenance oval and spherical shapes then tiarellas on the shady side and salvias and Verbena bonariensis in the sun for colour and height. Plus: pennisetum, sedges and rosemary for draping and foliage contrast with the shrubs.

Now the young couple have a cooler and more colourful garden to relax in.

Have tools, will travel!