Mediterranean Brights with Black Backdrop

Bright green blue and silver foliage against dramatic black planters and fencing will give way to a riot of Mediterranean colour and structure.

My clients had painted their raised beds and fences dramatic black, to contrast with golden gravel (initially as lawn replacement for a dog friendly environment).

I worked with the clients to develop a Mediterranean scheme with shrubs of different heights; lots of silver-grey/ blue and lime green foliage which will shortly be covered in lavender, white, blue, pink, crimson and yellow flowers.

Some of the feature plants include: Rosemarinus prostratus, Phoenix canariensis palms, Olaea europeaus Pittosporum Tom Thumb and Tobira, Callistemon (bottle brush), Hydrangea paniculata Annabelle, Persicaria Red Dragon, Santolina, Teucrium fruticans, Echinops ritro, Knautia macedonica and Verbena bonariensis.

I have also included Libertia grandiflora and Pennisetum Hameln for flowing grassy shapes, and Calamagrostis Karl Foerster and Stipa gigantea for golden colours against the fences, and tall winter interest.

By the time I had set out all the plants the bees were getting busy, and the numbers will only increase as the mainly purple and mauve flowers start blooming. 💜

Have tools, will travel!